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You are here:Home > Practical effect diagram
  • Product Name: Practical effect diagram
  • Published: 2014-06-19
  • National Service Hotline: 4000939212


Environmental protection: the production process waste treatment

1, the exhaust

Through security filters, purification systems. Into the combustion gas gun, which eliminates the air pollution, but also saves a lot of fuel. Dust emissions from the flue gas purification system specially processed emissions can be achieved GB13271-2001 standards.

2, waste

Liquid product in the process, will produce some acid waste water (the basic raw material to produce 1 ton would produce about 15 kg of wastewater, small volume, easy to handle). By adding a weak lye and after, the neutral wastewater through three filters, to harmless after evaporation routed to a dedicated processor (which uses the main processor heat flue heat) steam evaporate.

3, waste solids - black

After passing the catalytic pyrolysis of waste rubber, with thick black about 20% to 30%. Can be used as raw material for the production of industrial carbon black, versatile, can do waterproof coating, asphalt, and coal powder can also be mixed charcoal produced raw power plants, charcoal powder as raw material to manufacture bricks (an environmentally friendly building) of and so on.


Processors in the process of decomposition catalyzed decomposition treatment of waste rubber production, the non-liquefied gas C1, C4 hydrocarbons directly burn a certain risk. Before it is burned as fuel, the first safety filter, and then through the first closure of the liquid (purified water safety gas), and then passed through a second purification column channel degradation, the third check valve, the fourth channel gas purification machine processing, fifth Avenue flame arrester, and finally in the boost pressure fan into complete combustion gas gun.

In terms of safety production, decomposition has pressure gauges, thermometers, automatic overpressure release valve, riot control, protective cover and other safety devices. Others, such as: refrigeration systems, exhaust gas purification systems, using a ten safety devices, detailed the various parts; automatic alarm, automatic scheduling insurance, 100% safe.

Based on the above analysis shows that: the use of waste rubber, plastic characteristics in terms of renewable energy can be done "turning waste into treasure, the country."

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Main Business:Waste oil refinery plant, Plastic refinery plant, Guangdong refinery equipment, Waste rubber refining equipment, Tires oil refining plant