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You are here:Home > Electromagnetic induction and gas separation pour catalytic
  • Product Name: Electromagnetic induction and gas separation pour catalytic
  • Published: 2014-07-11
  • National Service Hotline: 4000939212



Electromagnetic induction and gas separation pour catalytic process, is a more advanced energy-saving oil refining equipment: intelligent control, automatic frequency, automatic thermostat, the entire production process is not "waste" the impact of the industrial zone factories are suitable device installed.


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Address: Maoming City, Guangdong Province, DIANBAI water Dong-jin (dawn field Sixteen teams)   Service Hotline:15113661666   0668-5126828  

All rights reserved© 2014  Guangdong Province DIANBAI strength Petrochemical Equipment Co., Ltd.    

Main Business:Waste oil refinery plant, Plastic refinery plant, Guangdong refinery equipment, Waste rubber refining equipment, Tires oil refining plant